Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yosemite 7.15.11-7.18.11 Sequoia/Kings Canyon 7.18.11-7.20.11

As we headed into Yosemite, we looked back at our tortuously travelled road....

Yeah! Finally, we are here!

Grammy, Bobby, Andrew and Kendall with the Upper Yosemite Falls cascading down.

Fun on the shuttle in Yosemite with Alexander and Kendall!

After a picnic walking to the Awahna Hotel with Half Dome prominently poised in the background.

The Awahna Hotel with The Yosemite Upper Falls as a backdrop. The hotel and grounds were beautiful with rough-hewn stone and colorful stained glass. The architect was the same as that of The Grand Canyon North Rim Lodge.

What a gorgeous view of Half Dome seen through the window of the Hotel. Andrew was busy getting just the right pictures this day as we walked around the grounds.

View of Yosemite Valley and Half Dome in front of The Green Chili Relleno.

Wow...the sheer face of Half Dome as seen from our walk to Mirror Lake. Amazingly beautiful.

The full view of The Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls...breathtaking!

Andrew took this awesome photo with the reflection at Mirror Lake.

What a cute photographer!

As we headed out of The Valley to Wawana, we drove up and up. We were treated to magnificent views of The Valley, capturing El Capitan and Half Dome.

Heading into the Giant Trees!!

This tree had fallen perhaps 200+ years ago. Tannins prevent decay. This tree is actually hollow and was used by Troops as a shelter. This is in Grant Grove in Kings Canyon.

General Grant Giant Sequoia in Kings Canyon.

The Giant Sequoias are magnificent in their beauty, fierce in their strength and powerful in the girth of their trunk.

The brouwn "fuzz" in the middle of the picture is the young cinnamon black bear we saw foragig in the meadow of The Tall Trees. The momma was around somewhere we were told....

Evidence! And the answer to the question "Does a bear poop in the woods?".....It was pretty big and fresh bear poop!

Hard to see the 4 kids in this picture and get a scope of the tree...largest tree in the world by volume....huge!!

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