Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Columbia River Gorge, Crater Lake and the Redwoods 7/9/11-7/12/11

On our drive from Coeur D'Alene to the Columbia River Gorge, we had clear blue skies and beautiful views of Mt. Hood.

Multnomah is the name of a tribe of Indians for whom this famous falls was named. It is amazingly spectacular falling from about 300 feet. Oddly enough, Grammy and Grandpa, Clair and Eric had all individually been to these falls before. There are over 130 waterfalls on the Oregon side of the Gorge alone. We ambled along and enjoyed a few of them with their incredible views.

Kendall with Multnomah Falls

Here are all the "boys" at the next falls "W....." I can't remember the name! Just a little ways down from Multnomah Falls on the famous Route 30 Trail of the Waterfalls.

 Grammy and her little girl!

The next day, we all said sad goodbyes to Eric at the Portland Airport - the Westernmost point of our trip. He headed back to PHX - SOMEBODY'S got to work! :) and hopefully will rejoin us for the last two days of The Adventure in Oak Creek Canyon.

WOW! GOT SNOW? It got colder and colder as the elevation climbed from 64 feet at Portland up to about 7100 at Crater Lake. Here is a wall of snow! Many drifts were over 10 feet.

The most breathtaking view! Crater Lake just after we crested the summit.

This tree trunk looks like a seal here at Crater Lake

Clair at the overlook at Crater Lake.

On our "Auto Bingo" game we thought we would NEVER get "Camaro".....but look! Jackpot! It was a CAMARO convention up at Crater Lake at Marmouth Village Campground.

Can you recognize the picnic table the kids are standing on here at the campsite!? :) Much of the campsite was still under snow on July 10th! Brrrrrr!

Enough to make a snowman!

Stout Grove....Awesome...Inspiring....Amazing...Huge....

We couldn't wrap around w/8 people!

Come on girls! Use those muscles!!

Rubio in the drive thru tree! :)

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