They geysers blew their tops regularly for us to see...bubbling underground and bringing amazing color to the surface. Prismatic Basin was Kendall's favorite with its turquoise blue center and orange-yellow rings flaming out. It is hard to see the full picture since it is very steamy on top of it and also pretty big. Clair's favorite is the Silica Pool, smaller but with equally brilliant blues and oranges.
7/2/11 Was a big day for us all. We woke early and left camp by 7:30am to head to Jackson, WY 2 hours away from Grant Village. The drive was a feast for the eyes. This is the part of the trip Clair had looked forward to ever since Bobby had described it 28 years ago when they met. The drive was a spectacular sunrise on the Grand Teton Mountains. Amazingly coarse mountains jut up into their own cloud cover. They are occasionally reflected in Jenny Lake and have scattered Bison.
We then procede to arrive in Jackson to don full body wet suits and splash suits and go white water rafting. Our guide, Jim Stackhouse, was calm, kind and confident. This was very helpful when we had to help rescue another boat. Kendall was asked after the first rapid, "How're you doing?!!" and her smiling reply was..."NOT VERY WELL!!" At the end of the rafting trip from Mad River Boat Co. she wondered when she could do it again! :) She was very brave and had a great time...We ALL jumped in and swam, even Kendall! Lunch at the Snake River Brewery was delicious along w/a beer to our new friends from rafting.
A surprise followed when Clair's mom called to let us know they had arrived in Jackson! We were actually only 4 minutes from them and went to their hotel the Snowking Lodge and visited with them for a little in the lobby. Amazing we could hook up w/them after all!! Dinner was at the Lakeside Restaurant after driving back by the Tetons. It was on this drive just outside of Yellowstone we saw our first BEAR! A black bear walking in the woods!
7/2/11 - Lake Yellowstone - After a ccccold night we finally warmed up as we headed to Fishing Bridge. There, the first thing we did was buy a heater for the camper! A wonderful indoor boat tour from a ranger informed us of Lake Yellowstone being the largest Pine Lake in the lower 48 states - Larger than Tahoe. Surrounded by beautiful Mount Sheridan and the Absoroca Mountains, still quite covered in snow, we enjoyed vistas of the Yellowstone Hotel and cabins, Yellowstone Lodge and the oldest General Store in the Park. After the tour, we saw them all up close, complete with a picnic and icecream and a tremendous view! After dinner that night we had fabulous campsite popcorn and off to bed to try our new heater! Another wonderful day in our great adventure!
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