Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Columbia River Gorge, Crater Lake and the Redwoods 7/9/11-7/12/11

7/9/11 - Columbia River Gorge - As we drove toward the Gorge we noticed the wind whipping along, buffeting our vehicles. We were treated to the view of 100s of kite and windsurfers along the Columbia River. We found our campsite along the rivershore at Memaloose State Park, dropped the trailer and headed off to Historic Rt. 30 to see some of the famous Columbia River Gorge Waterfalls. Horsetail Falls and Multnomah Falls were the highlights with precipitous drops from 100s of feet up. Interestingly enough, CC had been there and hiked to the top with her friend Darilyn for a Womens CMDA conference, Eric had driven along the Gorge on a 2 week road trip, and G/G had been there when at an ASLA Conference for Grammy. Dinner was being prepared when Kendall thought she would add to the excitement by cutting her thumb on her new pocket knife! Lots of blood, a little lidocaine and plenty of pressure and luckily no stitches OR dermabond needed! CCs chili for dinner w/kielbasa and a fire to finish off Eric's last night before heading back to Phoenix.

7/10/11 - We circled our wagons and headed to Portland to drop Eric at the Airport after dinner planning at Starbucks...(Is there ANY other way to plan dinner?? :) We will all miss him and will EAT in his honor! The altitude then took a turn for chilly weather and a suprising amount of snow as we headed from 64' elevation at Portland up to over 7100' at Crater Lake. Everywhere we turned was an amazing vista as we headed up through snowfields, passed skiers and bikers and 14' tall snow pole markers. Sharp snow-covered peaks like claws, rose dramatically as we climed to crest the summit of the crater. We were greeted with a breathtaking view of the cobalt blue disc of the lake, the cold, brisk wind and the blankets of white drifts looming overhead. Our campsite was barely (and "bearly") open - back in bear country! More than 1/2 was still closed for snow. Our makeshift firepit was dug near the picnic table - the second table being surrounded by snow! The kids were "true pioneers," playing "snow baseball" w/the shovel and building a "snow-carved" snowman! Dinner was chicken-pot-pie w/o the pie. Grammy, CC and JJ had a rousing Campfire Song Ranger Talk (ANY chance to hear Grammy sing is a GOOD one!!:) and was followed by a warm fire and cups of tea and cocoa at the Stickley Era Crater Lake Lodge Great Hall. A beautiful post-sunset glow enshrouded the lake, leaving its mystical hues of mauve and cyan. Up early the next day for a delicious breakfast at the Lodge - although kids' tastebuds are NOT quite ready for "sourdough" pancakes! Marionberry Jam was a hit and Tilamook cheddar/apple omlettes -(Eric had been in search of The Tilamook Squeaky Cheese Factory prior to leaving and unfortunately (desafortunadamente), the factory was too far west).

7/11/11 -Happy "7-11 Day!" We are nowhere NEAR a 7-11 to get a free Slurpee today, but instead are headed DOWN from the cccccold Crater Lake to the warm California Coast. Grandpa and CC were drivers and our 4 1/2 hour trek took us along the gorgeous green rolling hills of Oregon, past pristine blue lakes and tine country stores on "Blue Highways." We arrived at Jedediah State Park Campground, where the OLDEST growth Redwood Groves still stand. Our campers were set amongst these rising graceful giants and brought a sense of "out of this worldness" to the scenery. The Stout Grove Trail weaves along the Old Stagecoach Road and was a feast for the senses. With 300' Giant Redwoods soaring overhead, their trunks greater than 8 sets of arms can reach around (and CCs are > 6' alone!) we all felt small, yet not insignificant. We were on the lookout for those mischievious and furry Ewoks from Star Wars to come racing through the air on their speeders or colorful reptilian raptors from Jurassic Park to screech their warnings with their razor-sharp teeth. Surreal, awesome, inspiring, beautiful, deeply rich in pungent texture of the atmosphere - This was The Redwoods....Dinner was delicous Beef Burgundy in the Dutch Ovens a la Grammy aka Julia Childs, reminiscent of the movie Julia and Julia....YUM!

7/12/11 - A luxurious morning with Grandpa's eggs and sausage, hot showers and Starbucks as we headed the 9 miles to the Pacific Coast. Crescent City brought a serendipitous reunion of Mugsy's great friend Sue, her sister Joanie and their mother Fran - in the parking lot of the Antique Shop! Heartfelt jubilant hugs and Happy Trails as we continued down CA 101 through the Giant Redwoods toward Mendicino, CA. The dramatic coastline wove in and out of view, with rocky crags and shelves of greying beach that met the billowed cotton clouds rolling down the mountains to meet the sea. Wildflowers have been a blessing on every part of this trip....from the blues of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, to the golds of Yellowstone and the purples of Glacier...to the magentas of the Oregon Trail to the oranges of the Redwood Forest...to the pinks and golds of the California Coast...a paradise of hues that brighten the deepest recess of the forest and the darkest canyon cleft. Currently we are driving through Humbolt Redwoods, with Bobby and Mugsy at the wheels - JJ, KB and Alexander have the vanagon table out playing Uno - off and on we weave through old growth groves and just passed Mendocino County Line. Bobby and Clair have been along this way before just after Darilyn's wedding in 1997. Destination - Vann Damme State Park, just south of Mendocino - the town where "Murder, She Wrote" was filmed with Angela Landsbury. Also the town of the famous Joshua Grindle Inn, whose cookbook, Mendocino Mornings has lived on in all of our kitchens. Unfortunately, they cannot accomodate us for breakfast or scones, but we will walk by and drool anyway. :)

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