Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Grand Canyon North Rim

"Grand Canyon or Bust!" we all cried with a cheer....
"Our day of departure is finally here!"

So loaded all down with our colorful bags
And lanterns and stoves - all the food we could snag,

We've named Eric's truck the "Green Chili Relleno"
Because it is STUFFED to the brim - here we go!

We headed to 8,000 feet altitude
and poor little Rubio is "The Engine That Could."

He huffed and he puffed past Vermillion (red) Cliffs
Sometimes hoping that Eric would give us a lift.

But make it we did with the engine intact
And were treated with views that were GORGEOUS at that!

The Grand Canyon, North Rim is secluded and calm.
The views so spectacular, the breezes so warm.

We hiked on the rim on The Bright Angel Trail,
Watch out! Watch your step! There are no guard rails!

Three nights and three days with spectacular meals,
A Dutch Oven Pizza that would rival Emil's.

The stars from the Lodge were all fascinating
With telescopes we could even see Saturn's fine rings.

No mules did we ride but we hiked like a pack
All the way we walked out to Cape Royal and back.

There is no way to describe this incredible Canyon
Except take a breath at a vista, so awesome.

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